Being the factor of transparency and accountability one of the pillars of this initiative, 100% of your donations will be administered and channeled by the International Community Foundation, A.C. Authorized grantee with 20 years of experience and credibility in Baja California.


Donation Status

$30,964,955.83 MXN

LAST UPDATE: FEBRUARY 11, 2021 – 5:00 PM

Delivered Money: $12,222,087.93 MXN
Delivered Items: $18,742,867.90 MXN

Your support is important to our city. MAKE A DONATION


Donations in kind

Centro Comercial Pacífico
Lib. Sur 12713, Sirak M. Baloyan,
Camino Verde, 22190 Tijuana, B.C.

USA +1(619) 941 3198
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Estadio Toros (Chevron)
Misión de Santo Tomás Río Eufrates con, Col. Infonavit Capistrano, 22223 Tijuana, B.C.